Thursday, July 25, 2024

Does Red Wine Kill Cancer Cells

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Science Says Red Wine Compound Could Kill Colon Cancer

Can Red Wine Prevent Cancer?

It turns out the super-power compound resveratrol, found in the skins and seeds of grapes, has yet another positive effect on our bodys health.

According to Science Daily, when tested on mice and colon cancer cells in a petri dish, resveratrol proved effective at killing cancer. Associate Professor Jairam K.P. Vanamala deducted that the compound could be used to potentially craft treatments for the disease, which is the second leading cause of cancer deaths in America, as per the National Cancer Institute.

The studys effects showed most positively when resveratrol and grape seed extract were taken together to combat the elimination of cancer stem-cells. Vanamala adds that sticking to a plant-based diet also increases positive effects, as multiple favorable compounds from nature are added to the mix.

The study, according to Science Daily, took 52 mice with colon cancer tumors and split them into three groups. The groups were either fed grape compounds, given an anti inflammatory drug, or nothing. Tumors were suppressed in the group given grape compounds by fifty percent, a good sign for potential life-changing effects for humans. As with any new research, much testing still needs to be completed to make any solid conclusions.

In the meantime, well keep drinking for our health, of course.

Grape Skin Extract Before Radiation Kills More Cancer

“We’ve seen glimmers of possibilities, and it seems that resveratrol could potentially be very important in treating a variety of cancers,” Michael Nicholl says. “It comes down to how to administer the resveratrol.”

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Resveratrol, a compound found in grape skins and red wine, can make certain tumor cells more susceptible to radiation treatment.

When melanoma cells were treated with resveratrol alone, 44 percent of the tumor cells were killed. When the cancer cells were treated with a combination of both resveratrol and radiation, 65 percent of the tumor cells died.

The research follows a previous study that found similar results treating prostate cancer.

Michael Nicholl, assistant professor of surgery at the University of Missouri School of Medicine, says his findings could lead to more research into the cancer-fighting benefits of the naturally occurring compound.

Weve seen glimmers of possibilities, and it seems that resveratrol could potentially be very important in treating a variety of cancers, Nicholl says. It comes down to how to administer the resveratrol.

Resveratrol supplements are available over the counter in many health food sections at grocery stores. Nicholl does not recommend that patients rely on resveratrol supplements to treat cancer because more research is needed.

Banish Breakouts With Wine

Resveratrol can;inhibit the growth of acne-causing bacteria;longer than benzoyl peroxide. And it works even better when combined with benzoyl peroxide.; So far, drinking the antioxidant is the best way to benefit from its properties. Topical application in creams has not been proven as effective so imbibe your antioxidants in wine, fruits, and veggies rather than buying expensive creams.

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Is It Safe For Someone To Drink Alcohol While Undergoing Cancer Chemotherapy

As with most questions related to a specific individualâs cancer treatment, it is best for patients to check with their health care team about whether it is safe to drink alcohol during or immediately following chemotherapy treatment. The doctors and nurses administering the treatment will be able to give specific advice about whether it is safe to consume alcohol while undergoing specific cancer treatments.

Selected References
  • IARC Working Group on the Evaluation of Carcinogenic Risks to Humans. Alcohol consumption and ethyl carbamate. IARC Monographs on the Evaluation of Carcinogenic Risks in Humans 2010;96:3-1383.

  • Red Wine Compound Helps Kill Off Cancer Cells New Study Finds

    Red Wine Helps Kill Cancer Cells, New Study Reports
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    A new study is touting the cancer-fighting benefits of a compound found in red wine — but its not exactly a license to drink.

    Dr. Michael Nicholl, an assistant professor of surgery at the University of Missouri, is exploring new ways to use the compound resveratrol to make radiation treatment more effective at killing cancer cells.

    When high doses of resveratrol are combined with radiation treatment, the one-two punch has a potent synergistic effect, and we thought that was pretty exciting, Nicholl told The Times on Monday.

    He said that although there is much more research to be done, he believes that resveratrol cripples a cancer cells ability to recover after a dose of radiation.

    When resveratrol is given, normal recovery is taken away, he said, meaning it makes it easier for the radiation to do the job of killing off those cells.

    But hold on.

    Though the study appears to twin with findings suggesting the heart-health benefits found in moderate consumption of red wine, it doesnt mean you should drink more or take resveratrol supplements.

    When you take by mouth, you dont get very high blood levels of it, Nicholl said.

    There are also side effects of oral resveratrol supplements, such as intestinal distress, bloating and diarrhea.

    The next level of research, Nicholl said, will delve into finding a way to safely and effectively deliver resveratrol into the cancerous tissues. His findings were in the Journal of Surgical Research.


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    Red Wine Antioxidant Fights Cancer

    Resveratrol and Radiation Team Up to Destroy Pancreatic Cancer Cells

    March 26, 2008 — A new study shows an antioxidant found in red wine destroys cancer cells from the inside and enhances the effectiveness of radiation and chemotherapycancer treatments.

    Researchers say the antioxidant found in grape skins, known as resveratrol, appears to work by targeting the cancer cell’s energy source from within and crippling it. When combined with radiation, treatment with resveratrol prior to radiation also induced cell death, an important goal of cancer treatment.

    The researchers note that although resveratrol might reduce pancreatic cancer‘s resistance to chemotherapy, “the impact of red wine consumption on chemotherapy remains unclear.”

    Researcher Paul Okunieff, MD, chief of radiation oncology at the University of Rochester Medical Center, says red wine consumption during chemotherapy or radiation treatment has not been well studied, but it’s not prohibited. Okunieff says if a cancer patient already drinks red wine moderately, most physicians wouldn’t tell the patient to give it up. But perhaps a better choice might be to drink as much red or purple grape juice, which also contains resveratrol, as desired.

    Reduce Your Risk Of Liver Disease

    This study;challenged conventional thinking about alcohol and liver disease. Modest wine consumption, defined as one glass a day, may decrease the prevalence of Non-Alcoholic Fatty Liver Disease . Modest wine drinkers, as compared to teetotalers, cut their risk of NAFLD in half. And compared with wine drinkers, modest beer or liquor drinkers had four times the odds of having suspected NAFLD.

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    Has Positive Effects On The Digestive System

    The anti-bacterial nature of red wines has enabled it to treat stomach irritation and other digestive disorders. Wine consumption has also proven to reduce the risk of infection from Helicobacter pylori, a bacterium usually found in the stomach.

    Excessive drinking of alcohol can have a number of negative effects on the body, which include liver cirrhosis, weight gain etc. It can even pose a threat to life. However, that doesnt mean you cannot indulge in drinking your favorite red wine once in awhile. Ideally, it shouldnt be more than 1-1.5 glasses a day for women and 1-2 glasses a day for men. It is also advisable to skip wine for 1 or 2 days in between so that there is sufficient gap in drinking. However, this should be your total drinking limit and not for wine alone.

    It is not always necessary to consume wine by the glass alone. You can use it as an ingredient in your food or prepare a red wine sauce to go with your dinner and still reap the same benefits. Red wine also has a host of other health benefits such as treating headaches, reducing calorie intake by killing the appetite, etc.

    If you are a wine lover you can use it to your own health benefits by consuming it in the right amounts. Although, there are other ways of staying healthy, wine enthusiasts can mend their drinking ways and ensure a better, disease free life.

    Compound Found In Red Wine May Kill Breast Cancer Cells New Research Finds

    3 Foods to Destroy Cancer Cells

    Research conducted at the University of Porto in Portugal indicates that certain chemicals found abundantly in plant-based beverages, such as red wine, beer and tea, may help kill off breast cancer cells.

    Three polyphenolic compounds — including resveratrol, which is believed to be a factor in red wine’s potential health benefits — were found to “contribute to a significant decrease in breast cancer cell proliferation,” the study’s authors reported.

    Numerous previous studies have linked alcohol consumption to a possible higher risk of breast cancer, especially in postmenopausal women. It is theorized that alcohol affects the levels of hormones such as estrogen and progesterone, which may trigger breast cells to become cancerous.

    However, past research has also shown that compounds in red wine can “confer protective effects on the cardiovascular system and have anticancer, antiviral and antiallergic properties,” the researchers in Portugal wrote, explaining what prompted their study.

    Their findings were presented at the annual Experimental Biology conference in Washington, D.C., hosted from April 17 to 21, by the American Physiological Society.

    The three study authors, led by researcher Sandra Pinheiro-Silva, cultured cancerous breast cells in petri dishes. The cells were then exposed to either epigallocatechin gallate, xanthohumol or resveratrol, which are found in significant concentrations in tea, beer and red wine, respectively.

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    Risks And Side Effects

    Just like there are some beverages and foods that can help to fight disease development, research tells us there are also potentially cancer-causing foods to avoid.

    Which drinks should you limit or ideally cut out from your diet?

    • Sugary drinks, including soda, energy drinks and juices, teas and coffee drinks with added sugar. Research has revealed a strong link between sugary drink consumption and risk for heart disease, obesity and diabetes, and now ongoing research is suggesting that these beverages can also put you at greater risk for certain cancers such as breast, pancreas, gallbladder and endometrial cancer. Its believed this connection is due to mechanisms such as insulin resistance caused by consumption of a high glycemic load, as well as the effects of chemical compounds, additives and pesticides in sugary drinks which may have carcinogenic effects.
    • Alcohol in excess. While wine in moderation have protective effects against certain diseases, too much seems to do the opposite. High alcohol intake increases the risk of certain types of cancer development according to research studies, including colon/rectum, oral, liver, breast and other cancers.

    Can Drinking Red Wine Help Prevent Cancer

    The plant secondary compound resveratrol, found in grapes used to make red wine and some other plants, has been investigated for many possible health effects, including cancer prevention. However, researchers have found no association between moderate consumption of red wine and the risk of developing prostate cancer or colorectal cancer .

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    Is Binge Drinking Worse For Me

    Binge drinking causes problems, but its no worse for cancer risk than spreading drinks out across the week. No drinking pattern is worse than another. Its how much alcohol you drink that matters.

    Drinking alcohol increases the risk of cancer whether you drink it all in one go or spread it throughout the week.

    Resveratrol Targets Cancer Cells

    15 Benefits Of Drinking RED WINE.

    In the study, published in Advances in Experimental Medicine and Biology, researchers examined the effects of a 50 microgram/milliliter dose of resveratrol on pancreatic cancer cells alone and in combination with radiation treatment. By comparison, the resveratrol concentration in red wine can be as high as 30 micrograms/milliliter.

    The results showed that resveratrol had a variety of potentially valuable anti-cancer effects, including:

    • Making the cancer cells more sensitive to chemotherapy by hampering proteins that resist treatment
    • Triggering cancer cell death
    • Injuring the cancer cell’s energy source and decreasing its potential to function

    “While additional studies are needed, this research indicates that resveratrol has a promising future as part of the treatment for cancer,” Okunieff says.

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    Is It Worse If I Drink And Smoke

    Drinking alcohol is worse for you if you smoke. This is because tobacco and alcohol work together to cause much more damage to cells. This increases the risk of cancer.

    For example, people who both smoke and drink alcohol are at a higher risk of mouth and upper throat cancer. This can happen because:

    • Alcohol may make it easier for harmful chemicals from tobacco smoke to pass through the mouth and throat into the bloodstream.
    • Alcohol may change how the toxic chemicals from tobacco smoke are broken down in the body, making them even more harmful.;;

    Polyphenols In Red Wine And Green Tea Halt Prostate Cancer Growth Study Suggests

    Federation of American Societies for Experimental Biology
    In what could lead to a major advance in the treatment of prostate cancer, scientists now know exactly why polyphenols in red wine and green tea inhibit cancer growth. This new discovery explains how antioxidants in red wine and green tea produce a combined effect to disrupt an important cell signaling pathway necessary for prostate cancer growth.

    In what could lead to a major advance in the treatment of prostate cancer, scientists now know exactly why polyphenols in red wine and green tea inhibit cancer growth. This new discovery, published online in The FASEB Journal, explains how antioxidants in red wine and green tea produce a combined effect to disrupt an important cell signaling pathway necessary for prostate cancer growth. This finding is important because it may lead to the development of drugs that could stop or slow cancer progression, or improve current treatments.

    “Not only does SphK1/S1P signaling pathway play a role in prostate cancer, but it also plays a role in other cancers, such as colon cancer, breast cancer, and gastric cancers,” said Gerald Weissmann, MD, editor-in-chief of The FASEB Journal. “Even if future studies show that drinking red wine and green tea isn’t as effective in humans as we hope, knowing that the compounds in those drinks disrupts this pathway is an important step toward developing drugs that hit the same target.”

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    Should You Drink Large Amounts Of Red Wine

    Absolutely not. Studies concerning the effects of red wine against cancer are still in the preliminary stages. In fact, drinking excessive amounts of alcohol is linked to many types of cancer. Moderation is key to reaping the benefits of consuming wine.

    Experts recommend two servings a day for men and one serving a day for women of red wine for health benefits. Each serving is 4 ounces.;If you do not currently drink alcohol or are on medication, please talk to your doctor about the benefits of red wine in your diet. You should never begin drinking alcohol for medicinal purposes without talking to your doctor first.

    How Does Alcohol Affect The Risk Of Cancer

    Killer T Cell: The Cancer Assassin

    Researchers have hypothesized multiple ways that alcohol may increase the risk of cancer, including:

    Alcoholic beverages may also contain a variety of carcinogenic contaminants that are introduced during fermentation and production, such as nitrosamines, asbestos fibers, phenols, and hydrocarbons.

    The mechanisms by which alcohol consumption may decrease the risks of some cancers are not understood and may be indirect.

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    What Happens To Cancer Risk After A Person Stops Drinking Alcohol

    Most of the studies that have examined whether cancer risk declines after a person stops drinking alcohol have focused on head and neck cancers and on esophageal cancer. In general, these studies have found that stopping alcohol consumption is not associated with immediate reductions in cancer risk. The cancer risks eventually decline, although it may take years for the risks of cancer to return to those of never drinkers.

    For example, ex-drinkers still had higher risks of oral cavity and pharyngeal cancers than never drinkers even 16 years after they stopped drinking alcohol, although it was lower than before they stopped drinking . One study estimated that it would take more than 35 years for the higher risks of laryngeal and pharyngeal cancers associated with alcohol consumption to decrease to the level of never drinkers .

    Mounting Evidence Shows Red Wine Antioxidant Kills Cancer

    Rochester researchers showed for the first time that a natural antioxidant found in grape skins and red wine can help destroy pancreatic cancer cells by reaching to the cell’s core energy source, or mitochondria, and crippling its function. The study is published in the March edition of the journal, Advances in Experimental Medicine and Biology.

    The study also showed that when the pancreatic cancer cells were doubly assaulted — pre-treated with the antioxidant, resveratrol, and irradiated — the combination induced a type of cell death called apoptosis, an important goal of cancer therapy.

    The research has many implications for patients, said lead author Paul Okunieff, M.D., chief of Radiation Oncology at the James P. Wilmot Cancer Center at the University of Rochester Medical Center.

    Although red wine consumption during chemotherapy or radiation treatment has not been well studied, it is not “contraindicated,” Okunieff said. In other words, if a patient already drinks red wine moderately, most physicians would not tell the patient to give it up during treatment. Perhaps a better choice, Okunieff said, would be to drink as much red or purple grape juice as desired.

    A flurry of antioxidant studies in recent years has not proven how and why they work at the cellular level. At the suggestion of a young scientist in his lab, Okunieff began studying resveratrol as a tumor sensitizer. That’s when they discovered its link to the mitochondria.

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