Friday, July 26, 2024

What Is Wine Good For

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It Could Reduce Your Risk For Some Cancersand Increase Your Risk For Others

Is Red Wine Good for You? | Earth Lab

When it comes to wine consumption and cancer risk, there’s good news and there’s bad news. The good news is that moderate wine consumption could have a protective effect against esophageal and gastric cancers. Another recent study found that moderate wine consumption might decrease renal cancer and thyroid lymphomas. However, the same study also found that moderate alcohol consumption could increase risk for pancreatic, prostate, liver and breast cancers. Other studies have found even just drinking as little as one drink each day can raise estrogen levels, which is a known risk factor for breast cancer.

Drinking Wine Helps Keep Our Hearts Healthy

Since ancient times, cardiovascular diseases have become a known, life-threatening problem for the world.

According to World Health Organization , up to the present time, many people are still dying annually from CVD than from any other disease and it has been the number 1 cause of mortality and morbidity all around the globe.

Many researchers have shown that the intake of polyphenols is associated with a reduced risk of CVD. Wines contain polyphenols which can be actively found in flavonoids that also have putative antioxidant properties.

These polyphenols once again are called resveratrol which may help protect the lining of the blood vessel in the heart. Consuming 1 to 2 drinks per day may reduce the risk of CVDs.

Drinking wine may help in decreasing low-density lipoprotein also known as bad cholesterol which may cause artery damage while increasing the bodys high-density lipoprotein which is also known as good cholesterol which may reduce the risk for heart disease. Moreover, wine prevents the formation of blood clots.

Key Takeaway: Drinking 4 to 8 ounces of wine per day may lower the risk of having CVD because of the polyphenols that it contains.

Stronger Bones And Sharper Minds

But perhaps the most startling news of all came in studies suggesting that moderate drinkers may cut their risk of osteoporosis — age-related bone thinning related to calcium loss. A report in the American Journal of Epidemiology in April 2000 showed that women who drank 11 to 29 grams of alcohol a day — the equivalent of one to three glasses of wine — had greater bone mineral density, measured in the hip region of their thighbones, than nondrinkers or heavy drinkers. Bone mineral density is the measure physicians use to determine bone strength and resilience.

That news was quickly followed by an equally encouraging report in November in the American Journal of Clinical Nutrition. Testing nearly 500 elderly women, researchers from Creighton University in Omaha, Neb., found that bone mineral density was 12% to 16% higher among moderate drinkers, compared with nondrinkers.

And women aren’t the only ones who may benefit. In a study published in the journal Osteoporosis International in November 2000, Finnish scientists tested 143 men aged 54-63. Compared to nondrinkers, the men who enjoyed a glass or two of alcohol a day also showed signs of greater bone mineral density.

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Is Red Wine Actually Good For Your Heart

Have you ever topped off your glass of cabernet or pinot noir while saying, “Hey, its good for my heart, right?” This widely held impression dates back to a catchphrase coined in the late 1980s: the French Paradox.

The French Paradox refers to the notion that drinking wine may explain the relatively low rates of heart disease among the French, despite their fondness for cheese and other rich, fatty foods. This theory helped spur the discovery of a host of beneficial plant compounds known as polyphenols. Found in red and purple grape skins , polyphenols theoretically explain wines heart-protecting properties. Another argument stems from the fact that the Mediterranean diet, an eating pattern shown to ward off heart attacks and strokes, features red wine.

However, the evidence that drinking red wine in particular can help you avoid heart disease is pretty weak, says Dr. Kenneth Mukamal, an internist at Harvard-affiliated Beth Israel Deaconess Medical Center. All of the research showing that people who drink moderate amounts of alcohol have lower rates of heart disease is observational. Such studies cant prove cause and effect, only associations.

Moderate drinking defined as one drink per day for healthy women and two drinks per day for healthy men is widely considered safe. But to date, the health effects of alcohol have never been tested in a long-term, randomized trial.

Is Wine Actually Good For You

Best Red Wine for Diabetics

Water, tea and coffee are the worlds most consumed beverages, but alcohol isnt far behind. A recent survey found 69.5% of Americans reported that they drank alcohol in the past year. How much people drink varies widely, and were all aware of the negative outcomes associated with heavy drinking. But over the past few decades, scientists, doctors and media outlets have dedicated a lot of time and effort to whether moderate drinking particularly drinking red wine is healthy and perhaps even healthier than abstaining from alcohol. Much of this interest lies within the French Paradox, a term referring to the relatively low rates of heart disease among French people despite a diet relatively high in saturated fat.

Its a fun narrative and one that makes us feel better about the occasional glass or two of wine. But whats the deal is wine actually healthy? Should you start drinking wine if you dont already? All good questions, so we turned to an expert to find out.

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What Are The Health Risks Of Drinking Wine

Many people know that heavy drinking can cause health problems. But theres evidence that even light drinking can increase your risk for cancer. This is especially true for breast cancer.

The truth is: All alcoholic beverages are risky for your health. This is because they contain ethanol, a proven carcinogen . Other well-known carcinogens include tobacco and asbestos.

Drinking just one bottle of wine per week has the same lifetime cancer risk as 5 cigarettes per week for men or 10 cigarettes per week for women. Women who have one drink a day are 14% more likely to get breast cancer than someone who doesnt drink.

And the more you drink and the more often you drink the greater your risks. Drinking more than the recommended amount of wine can lead to:

  • Heart problems

Drinking Wine Supports Longevity Of Life

Resveratrol is a polyphenol that can be found most especially in red wines. It is a powerful antioxidant that can be found in grape skin and red grape juice. Antioxidants help the body fight off free radicals that can damage our cells and organs.

Studies show that resveratrol promotes health and longevity by increasing the activity of a protein called sirtuins. Sirtuins are responsible for protecting the body against diseases of aging.

Several studies have suggested that alcohol consumption, particularly wines, has shown health benefits that lead to longer life spans. Nonetheless, these studies emphasize that positive benefits only come with moderate consumption.

Key Takeaway: If you want to protect your body against diseases of aging, consuming a moderate amount of wine gives positive health benefits that may lead to long life.

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Wine Can Increase Longevity

Research from studies done in more than 14 countries around the world show that moderate drinkers have a longer life expectancy compared to both their teetotaler and heavy drinking counterparts.

There are several reasons for this: First, moderate wine intake has a positive effect on many organs and systems in the body, decreasing the risk of heart disease, stroke, dementia, inflammatory conditions, and certain cancers.

Second, people who drink wine in moderate amounts are more likely to socialize with family and friends than nondrinkers. And we know from other research that having meaningful relationships decreases the risk of death from many causes.

And third, people who drink moderate amounts of wine are also more likely to follow the Mediterranean diet, which is rich in antioxidants, fiber, vitamins, minerals, and protein, and low in trans fats, simple carbohydrates, and sugar.

Just A Glass Of Wine With Dinner Can Help Prevent Diabetes

How Red Wine is good for Health, Heart and Happiness, Dr Atul Gogia

Researchers from Tulane University report that drinking wine with dinner could help stave off diabetes. Compounds in grape skin combat the metabolic disease by reducing blood sugar levels, say scientists. But drinking beer or liquor with food increases the risk.

The finding is based on data from 312,000 British residents who describe themselves as regular drinkers. Those who had a glass of wine or two particularly red at mealtimes were 14 percent less likely to develop the metabolic disease over the next decade.

Drinking moderate amounts of wine with meals may prevent Type 2 diabetes if you do not have another health condition that may be negatively affected by moderate alcohol consumption and in consultation with your doctor, says lead author Dr. Hao Ma, a biostatistical analyst at the Tulane University Obesity Research Center.

Wine is rich in healthy plant chemicals including resveratrol, which acts like an antioxidant. Red varieties are particularly abundant in the compound.

READ MORE:Having a glass of wine with dinner may help you avoid diabetes

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It Promotes Long Life

Researchers have raved about the Mediterranean diet and its many health benefits. At the core of that diet is wine. According to research, resveratrol found in wine activates a protein that acts as an anti-aging agent, which explains why people who follow the diet for years tend to live longer, happier and healthier.

Enjoy That Wine And Cheese Pairing Together For Better Brain Health

If the sight of a cheese platter and some good wine at a party brings you sheer delight, youre in luck! Scientists say that this popular pairing may actually contribute to better cognitive health as you age, which may also help fight Alzheimers disease.

The study examined health records for nearly 1,800 adults between 46 and 77 years-old in the United Kingdom. Results reveal a surprising diet that may form an unlikely defense against cognitive decline later in life. Moreover, cheese provides the most protection against age-related cognitive issues. Its impact is significantly greater than any other food in the report. But not just cheese. The study also finds consuming red wine daily, can improve cognitive function as you age.

Depending on the genetic factors you carry, some individuals seem to be more protected from the effects of Alzheimers, while other seem to be at greater risk. That said, right food choices can prevent the disease and cognitive decline altogether.

READ MORE: More wine and cheese may help reduce cognitive decline, fight Alzheimers disease

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Drinking Wine Helps Boost Your Bodys Defenses

Daily consumption of wine can boost the immune system according to researchers. Ethanol, the chemical component of alcoholic beverages and wine as well helps boost the potency of vaccinations.

Drinking wine in moderation can help develop immunity that can fight against 200 viruses. Wine contains high levels of antioxidants in the form of flavonoids which can combat strongly against viruses.

As proof, red wine can help cure the symptoms of flu and cold. Polyphenol resveratrol can prevent viruses from multiplying once they have entered the bodys system.

Key Takeaway: Daily consumption of wine helps boost the immune system as it contains a high level of antioxidants that fight against viruses.

It’s Tied To Lower Blood Pressure

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Red wine doesn’t only help you feel more relaxed it can actually help lower your blood pressure.

One small September 2012 study published in Circulation Research found that two glasses of red wine per day are tied to slightly lower blood pressure levels. Two glasses of non-alcoholic red wine, however, significantly lowered it by an average of six points which is associated with a 14-percent reduced risk of heart disease and a 20-percent reduced risk of and stroke.

What’s more, the antioxidants found in red wine are associated with a significantly lower systolic and diastolic blood pressure, per an October 2020 study in Scientific Reports.

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Signs And Symptoms Of Addiction To Wine

Wine addiction does not happen overnight. When drinking wine is a regular part of your life, it can be difficult to step back and recognize the signs of addiction, such as:

  • Increased tolerance: After regular, heavy drinking, your body begins to build up a tolerance to alcohol. You may find that you need to pour another glass of wine or open another bottle to achieve the same pleasurable effects. That increased tolerance can lead to drinking more often and consuming higher quantities.
  • Prioritizing drinking: Enjoying wine might be nothing more than something you do occasionally with family and friends over a good meal or after a stressful day at work. However, when drinking starts to interfere with your daily life and responsibilities, you may need to take a look at your behavior. Is your drinking affecting your performance at work? Are your personal relationships suffering? If you continue to drink despite those issues, you may be struggling with an addiction.
  • Inability to stop drinking: An inability to stop drinking is another strong indicator of addiction. Maybe you have recognized that your wine drinking is affecting you and your family. Maybe you have decided to cut back your intake only to find that you are unable to reduce or stop your drinking. If you find yourself reaching for the glass or bottle even though you would rather not, you may need help.

Keeps Your Heart Strong

Red wine is a popular source of antioxidants, which are disease-fighting compounds that can help lower your risk of developing heart disease. According to research, the tannins in red wine contain procyanidins, which are polyphenols capable of neutralizing free radicals and keep your heart and blood vessels in tip-top shape.

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It’s Good For Gut Health

Folks who drank red wine were observed to have a more diverse gut microbiota which points to good gut health, according to an August 2019 study in Gastroenterology. The researchers also found an association between wine drinkers and lower levels of obesity and harmful LDL cholesterol compared to those who didn’t imbibe.

Plus, polyphenols like resveratrol may help promote digestion because they feed the good bacteria in your gut. Indeed, one small study out of Spain, published in June 2012 in The American Journal of Clinical Nutrition, found that moderate consumption of red wine had prebiotic benefits.

Is Wine Good For Health

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Yes, but the key here is: wine in moderation. Even the smallest overindulgence can negate any hard work you put in by reducing your endurance, increasing mental fog, and even erasing the effects of a previous workout according to InsideTracker. Alcohol in general also inhibits nutrient absorption and cant be used as fuel like the calories from food.

Now, you might be thinking: Im not an athlete, I dont need to worry about drinking too much wine. If you like to run a few times a week, hike on Sundays, or hop on your Peloton from time to time , this applies to you. Tune into how you’re feeling the day of, the day after, and even a few following alcohol consumption. Do you notice any difference is your energy, recovery time, or general muscle soreness? This is likely all due to alcohol consumption or poor eating habits in general.

They arent kidding when they say food is fuel.

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Red Wine Contains Powerful Plant Compounds And Antioxidants Including Resveratrol

Grapes are rich in many antioxidants. These include resveratrol, catechin, epicatechin and proanthocyanidins .

These antioxidants, especially resveratrol and proanthocyanidins, are believed to be responsible for the health benefits of red wine.

Proanthocyanidins may reduce oxidative damage in the body. They may also help prevent heart disease and cancer (

  • 11.5 glasses a day for women.
  • 12 glasses a day for men.

Some sources also recommend having 1-2 alcohol-free days each week.

Keep in mind that this refers to total alcohol intake. Drinking this amount of red wine in addition to other alcoholic beverages could easily put you in the range of excessive consumption.

If you have a history of substance abuse, then you should probably avoid wine and any other alcoholic beverage completely. Also be very careful if you have a family history of alcoholism.

Bottom Line:

Moderate intake of red wine is defined as 1-2 glasses per day. It is also recommended that you have at least 12 days a week without alcohol.

What Are The Long

Can you develop a wine addiction? The answer is yes. While excessive drinking is more often associated with beer or liquor, wine is still a type of alcohol. A five-ounce glass of wine contains the same amount of alcohol as a 12-ounce glass of beer or 1.5 ounces of liquor. When evaluating your alcohol consumption, its not about whether you drink wine or liquor. It is about how much alcohol you are consuming.

Moderate drinking means one drink per day for women and two drinks per day for men. When you start to consume more than moderate amounts, your drinking habit is characterized as binging. How much wine is too much? What are the common wine addiction symptoms? Learn more about the long-term effects of drinking wine every day and how to stop drinking wine.

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What Are Potential Dangers Of Drinking Wine Every Day

For many people, there is often a slippery slope from moderate drinking to binge drinking. Over time, binge drinking can turn into extremely heavy drinking and then alcohol dependency. If your alcohol consumption seems to increase day after day, its important to consider cutting down.

According to The Global Burden of Diseases study that analyzed levels of alcohol use and its health effects in 195 countries from 1990-2016, alcohol has risks even if consumed moderately:

  • Alcohol was the seventh leading cause of death and disability worldwide in 2016. For people between ages 15-49, alcohol was the top risk factor for death and disability, and the cause of death in older adults was cancer due to alcohol consumption.
  • Some protective effects related to light drinking were seen however, benefits were limited to certain groups under certain conditions.

Other studies have also shown that alcohol consumption is associated with increased risk of cancer, liver diseases, heart diseases, high blood pressure, gastritis, pancreatitis, and diabetes.

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