Friday, July 26, 2024

Which Red Wine Is Good For Health

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Can Improve Cholesterol Levels

How Red Wine is good for Health, Heart and Happiness, Dr Atul Gogia

High cholesterol is another one of those health markers that plagues more and more countries. People who enjoy a moderate amount of red wine seem to have better cholesterol readings than those who abstain or overdrink.

Again, resveratrol probably takes the credit here. Resveratrol is known to;inhibit the lipid peroxidation processesin other words, it can help prevent the buildup of fat along the arteries.;

This reduces the amount of cholesterol found in the bloodstream and can help prevent some of the medical conditions that come along with high cholesterol. Diet and exercise still play a hugely important role, of course, but red wine provides a little extra help.

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According to Jim Bernau, the president of Willamette Valley Vineyards, one of Oregons leading Pinot Noir producers, cool climate Pinot Noir, especially whole cluster fermented wines, are more likely to deliver high levels of resveratrol than other varietal red wines.

Jim Bernau, President, Willamette Valley Vineyards

Bernau notes that resveratrol is a fungicide, a polyphenolic compound an antimicrobial deterrent and repellant that is naturally produced by grape plants to protect grapes from molds. Its found in the skin of the grapes.

Red grape varieties grown in cool regions that are prone to high levels of humidity during harvest time, and more prone to mold damage, will produce higher levels of resveratrol than red grapes grown in drier regions.

Thin skinned grapes are even more vulnerable to being attacked by molds, so those varieties of grapes, he believes, also tend to produce even higher levels of resveratrol. According to Bernau, local climatic conditions post veraison, regardless of where the thin-skinned grapes are grown, is the determining factor.

There are many thin-skinned red grape varietals. Sangiovese, Tuscanys main grape varietal, is famously thin skinned, although Sangiovese Grosso, the Sangiovese clone used to make Brunello di Montalcino, is much thicker skinned.

To maximize the level of resveratrol in a wine, Bernau argues, its necessary to minimize the wines contact with oxygen.

What About Resveratrol The Compound Associated With Better Health

As for resveratrol, according to a review published in February 2019 in Medicinal Research Reviews on clinical trials of resveratrol, the compound may be useful in treating type 2 diabetes, obesity, colorectal cancer, breast cancer, and hypertension, among other diseases. However, this is in the context of possibly taking a supplement, not in the context of sipping moderate amounts of red wine.

Youd need to drink a lot to get the same results . Resveratrol is indeed found in wine just in small amounts. Koob points to past research that showed drinking 1.5 glasses of red wine per day provided 2.56 milligrams of resveratrol. And heres where the problem lies: He notes an article published in July 2016 in Advances in Nutrition, noting that the research indicates “a person would need to drink somewhere between 505 to 2,762 liters of red wine per day to consume 1 gram of resveratrol, a dose commonly used in clinical trials.” Translation: Because the amounts used in trials are so high, its unclear if or how beneficial drinking standard amounts of wine might be.

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Aging And Red Wine Benefits For Women

It is no brainer that since red wine is packed with essential antioxidants, it has immense health perks.

Research backs up this statement too: A study from Virginia Tech Carilion Research Institute concluded that resveratrol, which is present in skin grapes and provides its color, has the ability to halt;brain cells from breaking down during the aging process.

Resveratrol is specifically found in red grapes and red wine. This polyphenolic compound has the potential to slow age-related dissolution, according to that study, which is huge!

As per the Mayo Clinic, as stated at the onset of this post, the yummy liquor is also great for heart health, and a healthy heart implies a long, healthy life.

Can Reduce The Risk Of Arthritis In Women

Red Wines That Are Good for You

Studies conducted in Sweden;support the claim that moderate red wine consumption may reduce the risk of developing rheumatoid arthritis in women. The research indicates that the compounds that exist in red wine accomplish this by effectively managing the bodys autoimmune response. This results in a reduction in the number of chemicals that are produced that are responsible for the inflammatory effects of rheumatoid arthritis.

Based on their findings, the researchers are of the opinion that red wine can weaken the potency and quantity of pro-inflammatory proteins, known as cytokines. Curiously, it was always also found that the volume of beneficial red wine elements appeared to be dependent on the type of grape, the area in which they were grown, the vintage, the terroir and even the material of the container used to age the wine.

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The Making Process Of Red Wine And White Wine

Red wine is prepared from red and black grapes, while white wine is made of white grapes. However, both the wines have a different making process. Red wine is made when the crushed grapes are fermented for one or two weeks in Oak barrels; whereas white wine is made when the skin and seeds of white grapes are removed and mixed with yeast and aged in stainless steel vats for fermentation.

Red wine is prepared from red and black grapes, while white wine is made of white grapes.;

Elements That Make Red Wines Good For Health

This question has been considered as folklore by many, but if you are someone who likes their red wine with their meals, lets clarify this. The glass that you just chugged down with the pasta dish will actually do you good than worse. You must be wondering why right? It has a fantastic combination of phytonutrients and other kinds of plant chemicals that contribute to helping you feel better both physically and mentally.

So, what does the red wine contain that make them beneficial for the health?

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Additional Red Wine Benefits

There may be another reason you enjoy pouring a glass of red wine and it’s not just the alcohol content. The resveratrol in red wine may block the expression of an enzyme related to the control of stress in the brain, according to July 2019 research published in the journal Neuropharmacology. When this enzyme, known as phosphodiesterase 4 , is elevated in the brain, it can lead to depression and anxiety.

Note that the research used mice to study the effects of resveratrol on stress. As with other animal studies, further research may be needed to examine how the findings translate to humans. However, resveratrol may be an effective alternative to drugs for treating patients living with depression and anxiety disorders, according to a July 2019 research article published by the University at Buffalo.

The study isn’t the only research pointing to the potential for red wine’s antidepressant qualities. Another study, published in Nature Communications in February 2018, identified two phytochemicals in red wine as enhancing resilience against stress in mice.

The amount of the compounds is not significant enough in a glass of red wine to make a difference, though, according to the study. Also, human trials would be needed to confirm the benefits. However, the study offers additional hope that red wine compounds have potential as an alternative treatment for depression.

Should You Drink Red Wine

HealthWatch: Ovarian Cancer Risk; Red Wine May Be Good For Health

Looking at the benefits of red wine, you might think you need to start consuming red wine immediately. Keep in mind that these benefits should not coerce you into wine consumption if you were not drinking it before.;

However, if you want to reap any of these benefits, you can have a sit down with a medical professional. They are better suited to giving you the go-ahead to start enjoying a glass or two of red wine. However, they will emphasize a couple of things. These include:

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It Can Reduce Your Blood Pressure

High blood pressure is also another alarming health condition in society today. Due to its potentially fatal consequences, people are taking matters into their hands and implementing practices that regulate their blood pressure.;;

One practice wine lovers believe can help with reducing blood pressure is taking a glass of red wine. The question is, does this work or is this another wine myth? Based on the comprehensive discussion by Medical News Today, it appears that red wine can indeed help you lower your blood pressure .

What happens is that most red wine contains an antioxidant known as resveratrol. Resveratrol is responsible for reducing your blood pressure as well as increasing the levels of HDL cholesterol .

Similarly, red wine also contains compounds known as procyanidins. These compounds help in keeping your blood vessels healthy. It, therefore, makes red wine a healthy option among other alcoholic beverages. Nonetheless, you still need professional advice to determine the healthiest red wine option.

Lower Heart Disease Risk

Many observational studies have shown a link between moderate alcohol intake and heart health benefits.; A 2011 research study from the British Medical Journal analyzed the difference alcohol intake had on cardiovascular health compared with people who did not drink alcohol.; This study pooled results of previous studies studying the effects of moderate alcohol intake and heart health.

Researchers found people who consumed moderate intake of alcohol, for an average of 11 years, had 25% lower risk for heart attack, 29% lower risk for being diagnosed with coronary heart disease and 13% lower risk for dying from any cause.

These results suggest there is a health benefit to drinking moderate alcohol intake and heart health.; Many research studies have particularly highlighted red wine as being heart healthy in moderate doses.; Red wine has antioxidants that can help lower cholesterol, reduce blood clotting and increasing the good HDL cholesterol.

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What Is Red Wine And How Is It Made

Red wine is made by crushing and fermenting dark-colored, whole grapes.

There are many types of red wine, which vary in taste and color. Common varieties include Shiraz, Merlot, Cabernet sauvignon, Pinot noir and Zinfandel.

The alcohol content usually ranges from 1215%.

Consuming moderate amounts of red wine has been shown to have health benefits. This is mainly due to its high content of powerful antioxidants.

The alcohol in wine is also believed to contribute some of the benefits of moderate wine consumption .

Bottom Line:

Red wine is made by fermenting dark-colored, whole grapes. It is high in antioxidants, and drinking moderate amounts has been shown to be good for health.

Stifles The Effects Of Obesity

Goodinfo: Glass Of Red Wine Good For Heart

Analysis from a team of researchers at;Oregon State University;has shown that resveratrol is capable of transforming harmful white fats into beneficial beige fat that extinguishes lipids, stabilizing the body and protecting it against obesity and digestive issues. While this is indeed encouraging news for those out there who are looking to either lose weight or stave off the threat of weight gain, it is important to note that not all red wines contain a suitably high resveratrol content to be beneficial, and its best to find out directly from the wine company, if you do intend to supplement your dietary efforts with red wine.

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It Improves Your Gut Health

A healthy balance of bacteria in your intestinal tract is crucial for your gut health and helps with various body functions.;

They include food digestion, regulation of immune functioning, and helping with vitamin K production, which is mainly responsible for blood clotting .;

According to WebMD, red wine contains plant-based compounds known as polyphenols. They are defense chemicals that are naturally found in both fruits and vegetables . Since wine tends to be made from grapes, red wine tends to contain some traces of these compounds.

Polyphenols help in bringing about the balance of your intestinal bacteria, thereby improving your gut health . Polyphenols also contain antioxidants that tend to have numerous health properties and benefits.

Similarly, Medical News Today acknowledges that red wine also contains various compounds that act as prebiotics. Prebiotics help feeding healthy gut bacteria . It means that you can consume red wine to improve your gut health.;

However, before doing that, make sure you seek professional help from a doctor or dietitian. They might recommend other methods that work best depending on your health, needs, and individual factors.

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Healthiest Wine How To Choose The Best Red Wine For Health

People often wonder what is a good red wine? And since many people today are health conscious, they often ask whether there exists any healthiest wine or not? And moreover, if that does, how would you choose the best red wine for health?

In this article, I intend to touch upon these points only. Here you will learn how can you pick the healthiest red wine, and what would ideally be the best red wine for health. I am sure all you wine lovers will really love this article, since your health is taken care of without compromising on your choices. Isnt it?

But before we move ahead and pick the healthiest wine, lets answer to the question why is red wine good for you.

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The Best Red Wine For Health

There are dozens of different red wine varieties, with a huge range of hues, flavors, and aromas to enjoy. Each bottle of red wine offers a different experience to the drinker, and depending on their grape variety, the winemaking process, and a whole host of other factors, different red wines offer different health benefits.;

The range of antioxidants and flavonoids in red wines mean each bottle offers a different chemical content, some red wines have more resveratrol, others offer a reduced number of calories. Whatever youre looking for, were going to explain the best red wines for you to enjoy for your health, and the different reasons they might benefit you.;

Moderate Intake Benefits Heart Health

Is red wine good for you?

Besides all-cause mortality, moderate red wine consumption especially can reduce the risk of coronary heart disease .

But while moderate drinking reduces cardiovascular diseases, excessive alcohol supports cancer and liver disease.

In like manner, the Womens Health Study showed a 35% percent decrease in overall mortality and a whopping 51% decrease in a cardiovascular-related death due to moderate drinking .

Also, researchers from Harvard University showed that red wine reduces the risk of heart disease and stroke by lowering insulin levels and insulin resistance .

Summed up, the three most significant benefits of red wine for heart health, according to science, are:

  • Less inflammation and blood clotting
  • Reduced blood pressure
  • Improved blood glucose/diabetes

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Cannonau Grenache From Sardinia

While Grenache touts similar health benefits of other red wines, Grenache from Sardinia, aka Cannonau, offers one of the healthiest red options. Cannonau has two to three times the number of flavonoids as other red wines, containing even more antioxidant and anti-inflammatory properties.

A daily glass of Cannonau is one of the reasons Sardinia is amongst the blue zones of the world with a higher concentration of centenarians or people who live 100 years or more.

Ready to incorporate red wine in moderation into your healthy lifestyle? You just might live to be 117 years old like this woman who claims red wine is her secret to longevity.

Is Red Wine Good For You What A Glass A Day Means For Your Health

It might often be touted as the healthiest beverage at the bar, but is red wine good for you? Yes and no. As the many intricate flavors of red wine can be complex, so too can the nutritional properties, leading to years of headline-making studies that would have you flip flopping between stocking up and swearing off the stuff. The bottom line: Red wine has been shown to be beneficial in moderate amounts due to the resveratrol, which is an antioxidant that is protective of the heart, says Maya Feller, M.S., R.D., CDN, founder of Maya Feller Nutrition in Brooklyn.

Red wine is produced from dark-skinned grape varieties, which are expertly harvested, pressed, and fermented with grape skins and juice inside a tank or vat. Consider fermentation to be the secret sauceit transforms humble grapes into full-bodied, flavourful wines. Ah, to be the first, curious soul to realize the endless potential of fermented grape juice! While France and Italy are the countries most commonly associated with wine, the beverage has ancient origins in China, with archaeological records dating back to 7,000 years ago. Over the centuries wine has gradually evolved with the cultures it originated in and become a culture of its own. These days, every occasion, meal, and gathering calls for a different variety of redwill you play it safe with a crowd-pleasing merlot? Or risk it all with a peppery shiraz?

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Potential Downsides Of Drinking Red Wine

The American Heart Society warns that, although moderate consumption of red wine may have health benefits, excessive consumption can be detrimental to your health. Liver damage, obesity, certain types of cancer, stroke, cardiomyopathy, are just some of the issues that excessive drinking can contribute to. In fact, the American Institute for Cancer Research says that the less you drink, the lower your risk for cancer and advises to not drink at all if you want to take a proactive approach to cancer prevention. Not to mention that liquid calories can really add up when drinking any type of alcohol, which can lead to weight gain. Plus, alcohol in general lowers inhibitions and can lead to poor decision-making, which may influence your food choices.

The bottom line:Federal guidelines and the American Heart Association recommend that if you do choose to drink alcohol, then do so in moderation; stick to no more than one to two drinks per day for men and one drink per day for women. For reference, one drink is about 12 ounces of beer, 4 ounces of wine, 1.5 ounces of 80-proof spirits or 1 ounce of 100-proof spirits. Since red wine does contain a slew of antioxidants, it may potentially be a better choice than some other forms of alcohol on the market when consumed in moderation.

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