Thursday, July 18, 2024

What Wine Is Good For The Heart

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How Much Alcohol Is Too Much

How Red Wine is good for Health, Heart and Happiness, Dr Atul Gogia

Whether or not moderate drinking is good for your heart is open to debate. However, for most people, it doesnt appear to be harmful to the heart, McEvoy says but the key word is moderate.

Moderate drinking is defined as an average of one drink per day for women and one or two for men. A drink might be less than you think: 12 ounces of beer, 4 ounces of wine or 1.5 ounces of 80-proof spirits.

Some people should avoid even that much, McEvoy adds. He advises patients not to drink at all if they have certain heart rhythm abnormalities or have heart failure. There are certain situations where its best the patient doesnt drink any alcohol, he says.

Red Wine Protects Heart Health

In contrast to common belief, recent studies confirm the health benefits of red wine.

Scientific studies not only consistently found that moderate alcohol consumption reduces heart disease but also showed that red wine offers the best protection .

Likewise, the Copenhagen city heart study that moderate alcohol consumption causes less overall mortality. Three to five drinks a day reduced mortality by a stunning 50% compared to people not consuming whine at all.

Once again, the benefits could only be observed for wine consumption. Beer and Spirits, on the other hand, could not yield the same health benefits .

Likewise, a French study suggests a 33% reduction in all-cause mortality while not showing any health benefits for beer .

The best health benefits occur with the consumption of one glass of red wine per day . In contrast, excessive drinking is associated with violent deaths in younger and liver cirrhosis in older people .

Nevertheless, moderate drinking has been found to prolong life by as much as five years compared to abstinence .

Thus, drink a glass of red wine a day its good for your heart health and blood pressure! But drinking a bottle of wine a day is bad for you.

It Can Weaken Your Heart

Alcohol abuse has a toxic effect on your organs, including your heart. Alcoholic cardiomyopathy weakens and thins the heart muscle so it can no longer pump blood efficiently and it leads to heart failure. According to a review in the World Journal of Cardiology, one of the causes of this condition is excessive alcohol consumption. The only way to treat this disease is to avoid alcohol altogether and in many cases, if the disease has progressed too far, the damage to the heart muscle is irreversible.

Red wine is often heralded as a heart-healthy choice, but it’s not that simple. Low to moderate intakes of red wine may provide heart health benefits, binging or drinking more than what public health officials recommend can be harmful to your heart. For more on this popular beverage, learn about the People Who Should Never Drink Wine, According to an Expert.

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Myth: Red Wine Is An Antioxidant

Fact: Its true that red wine contains antioxidants, which can improve cholesterol and help you maintain a healthy blood pressure.

You want to make sure, however, youre not drinking so much red wine that the alcohol counters the protective benefits. If youre interested in getting more antioxidants in your diet, talk to a dietitian or your doctor about antioxidant-rich foods and supplements.

Can I Get Resveratrol From Something Other Than Wine

Goodinfo: Glass Of Red Wine Good For Heart

Resveratrol is found in the skin and seeds of red grapes. It is present in grapes and things made from them, including raisins and grape juice. Its also found in peanuts and berries, such as blueberries and cranberries. You can also get it in supplement form. But its not clear how much resveratrol is needed for positive health benefits or how much is too much.

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Glass Of Wine Good For The Heart No Says New European Study

Despite the longstanding maxim that a glass of wine per day is good for the heart, a new European study shows that even small amounts of alcohol can cause heart trouble.

Even modest habitual alcohol intake of 1.2 drinks/day was associated with an increased risk of atrial fibrillation , reads the report, just published in the European Health Journal .

Most notably, the study wrote that alcohol consumption at lower doses was associated with lower overall instances of heart failure.

The study looked at the medical histories of more than 100,000 people, and found that the risk of irregular heartbeat and other cardiovascular problems began to increase as soon as alcohol was introduced into the equation in any quantity. Due to large sample size, we had power to detect associations even at low doses of daily alcohol intake, it wrote.

Even at just one drink a day, the risk of developing heart arrhythmia went up by 16 per cent .

The report noted there is a strong controversy over the link between moderate drinking and adverse heart health, and most public health agencies generally avoid recommending total abstinence from alcohol. Health Canada, for instance, recommends a maximum of 10 drinks per week for women and 15 drinks per week for men .

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In modern times, however, one of the only instances in which a physician would prescribe liquor is as a treatment for severe alcohol withdrawal.

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According to Jim Bernau, the president of Willamette Valley Vineyards, one of Oregons leading Pinot Noir producers, cool climate Pinot Noir, especially whole cluster fermented wines, are more likely to deliver high levels of resveratrol than other varietal red wines.

Jim Bernau, President, Willamette Valley Vineyards

Bernau notes that resveratrol is a fungicide, a polyphenolic compound an antimicrobial deterrent and repellant that is naturally produced by grape plants to protect grapes from molds. Its found in the skin of the grapes.

Red grape varieties grown in cool regions that are prone to high levels of humidity during harvest time, and more prone to mold damage, will produce higher levels of resveratrol than red grapes grown in drier regions.

Thin skinned grapes are even more vulnerable to being attacked by molds, so those varieties of grapes, he believes, also tend to produce even higher levels of resveratrol. According to Bernau, local climatic conditions post veraison, regardless of where the thin-skinned grapes are grown, is the determining factor.

There are many thin-skinned red grape varietals. Sangiovese, Tuscanys main grape varietal, is famously thin skinned, although Sangiovese Grosso, the Sangiovese clone used to make Brunello di Montalcino, is much thicker skinned.

To maximize the level of resveratrol in a wine, Bernau argues, its necessary to minimize the wines contact with oxygen.

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Does Wine Lower My Risk Of Heart Disease

Its a scientifically proven fact that drinking wine can indeed lower your risk of developing heart disease. Theres a huge but that follows that statement, though.

A combination of alcohol, antioxidants, and other compounds found in wine all work together to provide these heart benefits when you drink wine in moderation .

Studies have found that individuals who drank wine in moderation like this had about a 20% reduced risk of dying from cardiovascular disease.

Moderate wine consumption helps to improve the good HDL levels of cholesterol in your bloodstream, while also helping to lower high blood pressure.

Again though, it must be stressed that these benefits are gained from drinking wine in moderate amountsnot a whole bottle at once!

Polyphenols In Grapes Help With Heart Diseases

Best wines for your heart

Grapes are high in polyphenols, antioxidants that can help the inner lining of the heart work better and raise healthy cholesterol levels. Drinking a moderate amount of beer, cider, or spirits, on the other hand, was connected to a 10% increased risk. According to the researcher Dr. Rudolph Schutte, Associate Professor at the university, there is an undeniable protective beneficial relationship and drinking grape-based alcohol. This relationship is also seen for alcohol-free wine, so it suggests the benefits are thanks to the polyphenols in the wine rather than the alcohol, he said.

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Tips For The Best Homemade Red Wine Gravy

  • Cook out the wine for a good 5 minutes or so to burn out some of the alcohol.
  • Fry the onions low and slow to caramelize them. This will add a nice sweetness to the gravy and balance out the acidity of the wine.
  • Beef stock and always beef stock. I have played around with other stocks before and none of them compare to the marriage of red wine and beef.

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Who Needs Red Wine For High Blood Pressure

The best red wine for health is perfect for those who are suffering from high blood pressure because it can aid in relieving any clots that are forming in your veins that may cause more pressure to build up. Red wine can also aid in lowering your cholesterol levels so that your arteries will be free from plaques that can also affect your blood pressure. High blood pressure is dangerous when left unchecked but there are ways that you can do to keep it at the proper number.

You can also have the best red wine for health if you want to feel a bit relaxed after a long day at work. This alcoholic drink has relaxing properties that can provide relief from all the tension that you are experiencing. However, keep in mind that your wine intake should be limited to one glass only if you are drinking for your health.

Those who want to maintain their healthy blood pressure can also add some red wine to their diet. Red wine contains compounds that can improve blood pressure by breaking down any build up, reduce the appearance of plaques in the arterial wall, and even enhance your good cholesterol so that your heart will pump properly.

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Why Pinot Noir May Be The Best Wine For Your Health

Glass of red wine and electrocardiogram


The benefits of drinking red wine have long been debated. Numerous studies have suggested that there is a link between moderate red wine consumption and heart health, but the issue has yet to be definitively settled.

According to the Mayo Clinic:

Red wine, in moderation, has long been thought of as heart healthy. The alcohol and certain substances in red wine called antioxidants may help prevent coronary artery disease, the condition that leads to heart attacks. Any links between red wine and fewer heart attacks, aren’t completely understood.

The health benefits associated with drinking red wines are mainly associated with a powerful antioxidant called resveratrol. The Mayo Clinic has suggested that:

Resveratrol might help prevent damage to blood vessels, reduce low-density lipoprotein cholesterol and prevent blood clots.

It also notes, however, that other studies found no benefits from resveratrol in preventing heart disease and that more research is needed.

Before you rush off to buy another bottle of your favorite red wine, however, you should note that the level of resveratrol in red wines can vary widely.

Are You Drinking The Best Red Wine For Heart Health

A little wine is thought to be good for the heart. At ...

by drspar | All, Fitness & Nutrition |

Have you heard about the benefits of drinking red wine but dismissed the claims as too good to be true? Believe the hype! While you obviously wont do yourself any favors if you down a bottle every night, moderate consumption of red wine has consistently been shown to positively impact healthparticularly when it comes to the heart.

What makes red wine so heart-healthy? Research points to its abundant antioxidant content. Red wine is rich in polyphenols, which are powerful fighters of free radicals. One of these polyphenols, resveratrol, may help protect blood vessels from damage and prevent clotting. Resveratrol can also lower LDL cholesterol levels. A review examining the results of various studies involving red wine and the heart concluded that red wine as a diet supplement might be beneficial for cardiovascular risk factors. In other words, drinking red wine could help lower your chances of developing heart problems.

Lets say youre already a card-carrying member of the vino club. Are you drinking the best red wine for heart health? Here are some things to consider when choosing a wine.

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One Major Effect Drinking Red Wine Has On Your Heart Says New Study

Could a glass of red wine really be a heart-health booster? According to a new study in Hypertension, you can toast with confidence.

Researchers evaluated food intake of over 100 items for 904 adults between the ages of 25 and 82, and assessed other factors as well, such as gut bacteria composition and blood pressure levels. They found that those who consumed the most flavonoid-rich foods had lower systolic blood pressure compared to those who had the least.

In addition to red wine, flavonoid compounds are found in:

  • Berries

In the study, drinking just under three glasses of red wine per week was associated with an average of 3.7 mm Hg lower systolic blood pressure than non-drinkers. Part of that effect likely comes from an assist in gut bacteria, according to study lead Aedín Cassidy, Ph.D., chair and professor in nutrition and preventive medicine at the Institute for Global Food Security at Queen’s University in Northern Ireland.

Recent studies have found a link between a healthy gut and a strong heart, he says, which may be explained by a reduction in inflammation. Although this association needs more investigation, Cassidy says it’s promising to see what type of cardiovascular protection might come from increased consumption of flavonoid-rich foods.

For more, be sure to read 12 Surprising Health Benefits of Red Wine.

How Often Can I Have White Wine Sangria For The Health Benefits

In order to get the most out of this sangria recipe as far as health benefits go, I would recommend simply sticking with one or two drinks per day.

Personally, I stick with one glass daily throughout the week and then I have 2 in the evenings after dinner on the weekend. This means I get to enjoy a tasty drink every day while also keeping my heart health on pointtalk about a win-win.

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Red Wine Heart Health: Is It Good For Your Heart

Red wine is getting a lot of press recently. Our favorite study circulating is that a glass of red is equivalent to an hour in the gym. Of course, that study does not tell you what sort of hour long gym workout a glass of wine is equivalent to, but it has led many people to the land of blissful Burgundy workouts. None the less, there are some indications and research around red wine heart health and its impact. When it comes to what causes heart disease, there are indications that red wine can help reduce risk.While many may rejoice hearing that red wine does have some healthy benefits for your heart, we would not promote the drinking of alcohol. Too much alcohol can be very harmful to your overall health. And, if you have suffered from a weak heart of heart failure, you should avoid alcohol entirely. Same is true if you take aspirin daily. Also, there is still a lot of research to be done on the health benefits of red wine, as many studies have still only been conducted on mice. But, some of the research does look promising. Overall, though, moderation is the key. If your doctor allows, a glass of wine at dinner may actually have some tangible heart health benefits.

Is Red Wine Any Good For My Heart

Is red wine good for your heart?

Red wine in moderation has long been thought of as good for the heart mainly by increasing high-density lipoprotein and because it contains flavonoids. Flavonoids come from the grape skin and are antioxidant substances that protect the heart and blood vessels from the damaging effects of oxygen free radicals produced by our bodies. One of these in particular, called resveratrol, seems to reduce low-density lipoprotein and some research has shown that resveratrol can lower artery inflammation and blood clotting. However it hasnt yet been shown to reduce heart disease and more research is needed.

It is possible that red wine is no better than other forms of alcohol such as white wine or spirits and there has been some recent evidence supporting beer in heart health. Of note though resveratrol levels are higher in red wine as its fermented longer with the grape skins than white wine is.

You shouldnt start drinking alcohol just for these possible heart health benefits however.Remember alcohol has calories, can raise blood pressure when consumed excessively and can be addictive so make sure you factor this in when making your diet and lifestyle choices.

Other foods containing resveratrol include peanuts, blueberries and cranberries and there are resveratrol supplements available however your body cant absorb most of the resveratrol in them so save your money.

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How Much Red Wine Should You Drink To Achieve Any Health Benefits

Thats a good question, and unfortunately, theres not a clear answer. Complicating things is the notion of what a drink is. Different people might have different ideas about the number of ounces or amount of alcohol in a drink, and it varies across different geographic locations. Even in clinical research, there is a lot of variation in how light or moderate consumption of wine is defined.

That said, the standard drink size in the U.S. for red wine is 5 ounces. From what is currently known about the health benefits of red wine consumption, most experts agree that light to moderate consumption is the goal. According to the 2015 to 2020 Dietary Guidelines for Americans, this means 2 drinks per day or less for men and 1 drink or less per day for women .

Remember that these are simply recommendations for those who want to drink wine. The health benefits have not been definitively established, so if drinking is not something you already do, there is likely no health benefit to starting.

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