Red Wine Health Benefits
Many of the benefits attributed to red wine are due to its high levels and wide variety of antioxidants called polyphenols.
However, its important to know that a lot of the research looking into this is in early stages and involves studies with animals rather than people.
Two types of polyphenols found in red wine are catechins and epicatechins. Not only do they contribute to the bitter aspects of red wines flavor, but research also suggests that they can reverse skin damage caused by UV exposure.
Resveratrol is another polyphenol common in red wine. Animal and cell model studies suggest it may have the potential to reduce the growth of cancer cells.
But more research is needed to draw conclusions since the majority of the studies are in cells and animals.
Other potential benefits of drinking red wine are:
How Much Wine Should I Drink A Day
While there are several health benefits of wines, anything in excess can be hazardous to health. If you want to see the benefits of wine on your mind and body, it is best that you consume it in moderation.
There is no denying that wine has many health benefits, such as reducing the risk for cardiovascular diseases, bad cholesterol levels, type 2 diabetes, kidney failure, and various neurological diseases. Wine is also known to be helpful in preventing depression and improving the quality of hair and skin. Nevertheless, there are several negative effects of consuming large amounts of wine.
Benefits Of Wine For Women
Although both men and women stand to benefit from consuming wine, there are certain areas where wine has been proven to be more beneficial for women.
Women are generally at a higher risk for health problems such as diabetes, cholesterol, stress, hypertension, and weight gain.
However, it has been observed that women who consume red wine in moderate quantities are at a lower risk of developing such problems compared to women who dont drink wine at all.
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Red Wine Has More Antioxidants Than Aa Juice
Red wine is full of polyphenols including proanthocyanidin a powerful antioxidant. In fact, some red wines have more antioxidants than commercial grape juice, raw blueberries and even miracle fruits like Açaí. In the fruit juice category, a will even beat pomegranate juice. How are antioxidants measured? Antioxidant rich foods have traditionally been measured using the ORAC method which stands for Oxygen Radical Absorbance Capacity. Every food has a varying ability to absorb free radicals in a controlled environment. ORAC scores range from 50 for a carrot to 5,200 for a teaspoon of cinnamon.
Is There Something Special About Red Wine
The short answer is, we dont know for sure. In all of the population studies on the effects of moderate drinking, weve seen no clear difference between types of alcohol, Mukamal says. But wine drinking is linked to other healthy behaviorsuch as maintaining a better diet and getting regular exercise. Wine is also typically consumed in a healthier mannerwith a mealunlike beer or liquor.
As for the much-touted resveratrol in red wine, the evidence is mixed at best. Most of the studies have been done in animals, and the ones that show any benefit usually involve extremely high doses of resveratrol. You would need to drink liters of wine a day to get those levels, Mukamal says.
Bottom line: As long as you raise just one glass of wine , the health-related risks are pretty small. But rather than kid yourself youre doing something super healthy, just sip and enjoyin moderation.
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Protect Your Pearly Whites
Did you know that drinking wine is a little-known way to protect your teeth from bacteria? We mentioned wines antimicrobial effects on the skin. Well, it also helps reduce bacteria on our teeth.Using five of the common oral plaque-causing bacteria, scientists noted almost complete degradation of the bacteria after applying the biofilms with red wine.
Red Wine Helps Regulate Blood Sugar
Despite containing natural sugars, red wine can actually help regulate blood sugar, according to the American Diabetes Association. Drinking red wine can lower your blood sugar for up to 24 hours, which may be beneficial for those with higher blood sugar levels. While red wine shouldn’t be substituted for blood glucose management medications and treatment plans, it may be a helpful dietary addition in moderation.
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Potential Benefits Of Sparkling Wine
A 2014 review found that champagne consumption may increase vascular blood flow and stimulate cognitive function.
It suggested that moderate consumption of champagne may be associated with improved vascular health and might have the potential to slow the progression of certain neurodegenerative conditions.
It Can Help Prevent Severe Sunburn
Evidently, wine and other grape derivatives can help protect the skin from the damaging effects of UV rays. When UV rays make contact with the skin, they activate what’s called reactive oxygen species , and one study from the University of Barcelona discovered that some flavonoids, or polyphenolic substances extracted from grapes, can reduce the number of ROS that form on the skin. Who knew a glass of pinot noir could help you fend off sunburn?
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Say Goodbye To The Blues
You know wine helps you relaxbut depression? Researchers in Spain found that men and women who drank two to seven glasses of wine per week were less likely to be diagnosed with depression. Even when taking into account lifestyle factors which could influence their findings, the reduced risk held strong.
Slows Down Aging And Makes Skin Glow
We have already seen how red wine slows down the aging of your body and brain. Well, it also works well in keeping your skin young.
A glass of red wine a day can make your skin glow and cuts the risk of precancerous skin lesions . In fact, researchers predict that skin creams with resveratrol could be the next big thing in the cosmetic industry.
Red wine can also restore your skins original glow. The polyphenols in the wine can prevent cell oxidation that ages the skin . Also, the antioxidant properties of resveratrol work exceedingly well against the oxidative stress the skin cells are quite often subjected to . This antioxidant is so potent that it is now being researched for its ability to prevent skin cancer and other dangerous skin ailments.
Resveratrol in red wine also protects the skin from the harmful UV-induced effects .
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What Are The Potential Health Benefits Of Wine
You may have heard that wine especially red wine is good for your health. Over the years, studies have suggested that wine can potentially:
Protect brain health. In a 2020 study of almost 20,000 middle-aged and older adults, people who drank low to moderate amounts of alcohol had better cognitive abilities than people who never drank.
Protect heart health. In a 2017 study of over 300,000 adults, light drinkers were 26% less likely to die of heart disease. And in a 2018 study of over 200,000 people, drinking alcohol 2 to 3 times a week was linked to a lower risk for heart disease.
Improve cholesterol levels. Theres evidence that drinking wine may boost your HDL cholesterol.
Prevent diabetes. In a 2005 meta-analysis of over 350,000 people, people who drank alcohol had a 30% lower risk of type 2 diabetes.
Improve your gut microbiome diversity. Your gut microbiome is an ecosystem of helpful microorganisms that live in your gut. A recent study found that red wine drinkers had better microbiome diversity than people who drank other types of alcohol.
But experts are skeptical. Its not clear whether these health benefits are from drinking wine or from something else like good genes or a healthier lifestyle. For example, compared to non-drinkers, wine drinkers are shown to be more likely to:
Eat more fruits and vegetables
Stay away from tobacco
Therefore, if you dont already drink wine, dont start for health reasons. Its just too risky.
Wine Can Increase Omega
McGrane says there’s research that shows that both men and women who regularly consume moderate amounts of wine have higher levels of omega-3 fatty acids, independent of fish intake. Salmon, in particular, is chock-full of heart-healthy omega-3 fatty acids.
“This is important, as omega-3s help to reduce inflammation in the body and may help reduce the risk of numerous chronic diseases,” she says.
McGrane says that the link between wine consumption and omega-3 fatty acids is still not fully understood.
“One of these trials suggests that the polyphenol antioxidant concentrations in wine may stimulate the synthesis of EPA and DHA,” she says. EPA and DHA are two kinds of long-chain omega-3 fatty acids primarily found in fish.
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How Much Wine Is Safe To Drink
There is no safe amount to drink of any alcohol, including wine.
If you do drink wine, the lowest-risk option is to drink as little alcohol as possible. This means staying under the recommended daily limits.
In the United States, these limits are:
One drink or less per day for women
Two drinks or less per day for men
In the United States, one drink is:
12 ounces of regular beer
5 ounces of wine
1.5 ounces of 80 proof hard liquor
This means that men should have no more than 10 ounces of wine a day. Women should have no more than 5 ounces.
Be aware: These maximums do not roll over from day to day. In other words, not drinking for several days doesnt mean you can have multiple servings of wine on a single day later in the week.
Wine And Health: A Review Of Its Benefits To Human Health
D.A. Wurz
Federal Institute of Santa Catarina, Av. Expedicionários, 2150, CEP 89460-000, Canoinhas, SC, Brazil
Modern society seeks to consume foods that can treat and prevent disease, as well as increase longevity, and in this context stand out functional foods rich in antioxidant compounds with proven health benefits, as well as beverages that bring benefits to the health and are widely used by the population, such as wine. Wine has always been linked in some way to the history of man, either because it is a beverage with its own flavor and personality or because of the health benefits it brings. Studies carried out throughout the world show that wine, taken in a moderate amount, contributes to the health of the human organism, increasing the quality and the life time, being the polyphenols the main compounds present in the wine responsible for this contribution. In this context, the objective of this study is to carry out a bibliographical review on the main researches and studies carried out with the theme wine and health, with emphasis on the beneficial effect of the phenolic composition of red wines, and thus contribute to the dissemination of the benefits of regular consumption and wine to human health.
This is an Open Access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License 4.0 , which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original work is properly cited.
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Potential Downsides Of Drinking Red Wine
The American Heart Society warns that, although moderate consumption of red wine may have health benefits, excessive consumption can be detrimental to your health. Liver damage, obesity, certain types of cancer, stroke, cardiomyopathy, are just some of the issues that excessive drinking can contribute to. In fact, the American Institute for Cancer Research says that the less you drink, the lower your risk for cancer and advises to not drink at all if you want to take a proactive approach to cancer prevention. Not to mention that liquid calories can really add up when drinking any type of alcohol, which can lead to weight gain. Plus, alcohol in general lowers inhibitions and can lead to poor decision-making, which may influence your food choices.
The bottom line:Federal guidelines and the American Heart Association recommend that if you do choose to drink alcohol, then do so in moderation stick to no more than one to two drinks per day for men and one drink per day for women. For reference, one drink is about 12 ounces of beer, 4 ounces of wine, 1.5 ounces of 80-proof spirits or 1 ounce of 100-proof spirits. Since red wine does contain a slew of antioxidants, it may potentially be a better choice than some other forms of alcohol on the market when consumed in moderation.
What Are The Side Effects Of Red Wine
Check out here what are the adverse effects of not drinking red wine in moderation.
- Blood Thinning Effects
Resveratrol is also known for its anticoagulant properties. This means, the compound can inhibit the coagulation property of blood platelets that are required for blood clotting. All this becomes a threat when you take resveratrol along with blood-thinning medications. The result could be excessive bleeding.
- Effects During Pregnancy And Breastfeeding
Alcohol, in any form, is unsafe to consume during pregnancy. It can cause birth defects in the infant, and can even cause miscarriage.
Red wine is a big no-no to breastfeeding mothers too. The alcohol passes through breast milk, leading to abnormal learning skills in the baby .
- Inhibits Muscle Healing
When taken in high doses, resveratrol can hamper the muscle repair cycle and contribute to aging . Wine consumption might also increase the risk of breast cancer.
- Headaches
Also called red wine headache, this is a condition often accompanied by flushing and nausea. The headache occurs within 15 minutes after taking a glass of red wine. This condition is not observed with white wine or other alcoholic beverages.
The high concentrations of sulfites, tannins, histamines, and prostaglandins in red wine could cause these headaches.
A few ways you can prevent these headaches:
Drinking a glass of water after each glass of wine.
Avoid eating sugary stuff with wine.
- Other Side Effects
And in case you are still wondering
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So What’s The Safest Amount To Drink
The government’s health guidelines tell you how much alcohol it’s safe to drink on a weekly basis. Its 2016 update included a limit of 14 units per week for both men and women.
That’s the equivalent of seven 175ml glasses of red wine. If you’re drinking a large 250ml glass, bear in mind that these contain three units.
The reason this limit has been chosen is because it’s the point where the risk of damage to your health increases by 1%. The government has decided this is an acceptable level of risk, equivalent to the danger involved in everyday tasks, such as driving to work.
It’s important to remember that 14 units is the limit, not the target. You’re under no obligation to reach 14 units a week, you’re simply advised not to go above this.
It’s recommended that you spread these units across the week, rather than knocking them back in one go. Drinking a glass with dinner is the best option, as it can actually help to reduce the spike in your blood sugar levels and protect your body from damage.
However, the reality is that most of us will likely drink more in social situations, particularly at the weekend. If you know you have a night out planned, it’s best to leave the wine alone for the rest of the week.
Stronger Bones And Sharper Minds
But perhaps the most startling news of all came in studies suggesting that moderate drinkers may cut their risk of osteoporosis — age-related bone thinning related to calcium loss. A report in the American Journal of Epidemiology in April 2000 showed that women who drank 11 to 29 grams of alcohol a day — the equivalent of one to three glasses of wine — had greater bone mineral density, measured in the hip region of their thighbones, than nondrinkers or heavy drinkers. Bone mineral density is the measure physicians use to determine bone strength and resilience.
That news was quickly followed by an equally encouraging report in November in the American Journal of Clinical Nutrition. Testing nearly 500 elderly women, researchers from Creighton University in Omaha, Neb., found that bone mineral density was 12% to 16% higher among moderate drinkers, compared with nondrinkers.
And women aren’t the only ones who may benefit. In a study published in the journal Osteoporosis International in November 2000, Finnish scientists tested 143 men aged 54-63. Compared to nondrinkers, the men who enjoyed a glass or two of alcohol a day also showed signs of greater bone mineral density.
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Reduce Risk Of Alzheimer’s Disease
A drink a day may also keep Alzheimer’s away! Recent research suggests that drinking 1 to 3 daily glasses of red wine was linked to a reduced risk of dementia and Alzheimer’s. Scientists found that when red wine passes through the gut, it leaves behind unique antioxidant compounds that can protect our brain neurons from getting damaged or destroyed. This, in turn, may help reduce the chance of developing neurological diseases like Alzheimer’s or Parkinson’s.
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Is Drinking Red Wine Healthy
The short answer?
Youve probably seen the headlines over the years about the heart health-promoting benefits of red wine. These heart benefits have been well-studied. Recent research has uncovered many other benefits to this age-old fermented drink as well.
Red wine contains Resveratrol, which is not found in white wine, but recent research has called its benefits into question. The study looked at elderly residents in Tuscany and found no noticeable difference in the Resveratrol levels in the urine of those who lived longer vs. those who didnt.
Studies about the benefits of Resveratrol have typically looked at how it affects cells in a lab setting. This isnt necessarily an accurate representation of its role in the body. At the same time, just measuring urine levels may also not provide a clear picture of benefit.
From all of the research Ive read, Im not sold on the benefits of Resveratrol, as wed essentially have to drink wine non-stop and swim in it constantly to reach the concentrations used in lab studies. At the same time, it isnt the only beneficial compound in wine, and I think there are other benefits far beyond Resveratrol.
These studies also show that no compound, no matter how beneficial, can replace the importance of a healthy lifestyle. Alcohol consumption should just be a small part of an overall healthy lifestyle of a good diet, quality sleep and movement.
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