Friday, July 26, 2024

How To Make Elderflower Wine

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How to make Elderflower Wine | Brewbitz Homebrew Shop
  • Leave an expansion gap at the top of the bottle when decanting your brew.
  • Keep the bottles safely stored in a well-aired, locked shed or space.
  • Put the bottles in bags and then in cardboard or wooden boxes.
  • Check daily or twice daily for pressure: Release the screw top slightly if the pressure is high and the bottles are ‘tight’ .
  • Do not let children or pets near the bottles.

Elderflower blossoms

Prepare Your Brewing Equipment

The first step on your journey toward making a perfect bottle of elderflower wine is preparing your brewing equipment. You do not want anything that can contaminate the wine-making process.

Wine making is a precise art form. If you make one error, it can ruin an entire bucket of wine. Preparing your brewing equipment involves two steps: cleaning and sanitising.


Cleaning refers to removing any dirt or oil stains from your brewing equipment. The kitchen equipment you use to brew your wine must be spotless and contamination-free.

When you clean your kitchen supplies, you must avoid scratching or denting your bottles or jars. Tiny scratches can be the perfect hiding spots for microbes.


After thoroughly cleaning your brewing equipment, you will need to sanitise it. The sanitisation process refers to eliminating microbial beings. In other words, you are removing the contaminants that are invisible to the naked eye.

You can purchase many sanitisers online or in stores to help cleanse all your equipment. Sanitisers work wonders if your brewing tools are clean before using sanitisation products.

When you are cleaning or sanitising your products, make sure that you follow the instructions for each chemical. It may be wise to use rubber gloves when handling cleaning liquids.

Before moving on to step two, cut the florets from the stems of the elderflower using a pair of scissors or a wide-toothed comb. Then, place these florets in a clean bucket.

Elderflower Wine Recipe Light To Medium Bodied

Elderflower wine has one of those flavours that is so distinct you cannot really compare it to anything else.

That elusive floral bouquet seems to be amplified in a wine and the number of elderflower bushes in the UK makes it one of the most popular ingredients for wine making.

Most people opt to make an elderflower champagne but in all honesty, I prefer an elderflower wine, the elderflowers really do fill the palate even without the bubbles.

Elderflowers have a unique flavour all of their own in most cases you either like it or you dont.

If you like something like an elderflower cordial or presse then this wine recipe really does showcase that distinct flavour and aroma.

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    How To Make Elderflower Wine Recipe Brewbitz
      How to Make Elderflower Wine. Elderflower cordial, wine, cider and champagne are very refreshing. They have the smell of summer and it really tastes amazing on a hot sunny day. If you have never tried making Elderflower wine, it is really easy to make and makes a really refreshing white wine.

    Section : Quick Step By Step Instructions On Making Elderflower Wine

    Elderflower Wine Recipe

    STEP ONE Identifying your elderflowers

    This is an elderflower. This is an obvious point, but its a point worth making. Elderflowers are a beautiful, abundant creamy white spray of petals with a distinctive scent. If you can correctly identify them once, you will recognize them forever.

    BUT and this is a big but in the countryside there are a few false friends which must be avoided at all costs.

    Cow’s Parsley

    These above are Cows parsley.

    You can eat cows parsley, but it tastes absolutely disgusting. Like a cross between a carrot top and old grass. You can technically eat fools parsley as well, but ideally you will already be in a hospital at the time, so you can have your stomach pumped pretty much straight away. Its poisonous.

    Annoyingly, both cows parsley and fools parsley tend to grow near elderflower bushes, but they are very easily identifiable.

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    Transfer To A Clean Bucket

    The next step of the elderflower wine brewing process is to strain the mixture into a fresh fermentation bucket or sterilised Demi John, leaving the sediment behind. Then, pour 4.5l of cooled boiled water into the bucket if you wish.

    Next, put an air-locked lid on your liquid bucket and leave it to ferment. The fermentation process should last six weeks. Look for carbon dioxide bubble trails to indicate that the wine is fermenting properly.

    How To Make Elderflower And Gooseberry Wine

    Two recipes for elderflowers in two weeks is cramming things in rather, but plant seasons wait for no-one and that of the elderflower is not to be missed.

    I had thought of making “honeysuckle wine”, but there is a problem. Many, many years ago there was a young lady of my acquaintance who insisted on wearing honeysuckle perfume despite hints in the form of gifts of other, less overpowering scents. A brief holiday involving a small tent exposed me to toxic concentrations which have marked me for life. The romance ended for reasons unconnected with our native flora and I have been unable to stand the smell of honeysuckle to this day.My first memory of the humble gooseberry is the time I got one seriously stuck up my nose at the age of four a story, incidentally, of which my mother shows no sign of tiring, even after 55 years. The gooseberry is not an exciting fruit but there is one ingredient that will lift its prosaic flavour to a heavenly plane.

    Although they hide themselves among the hawthorn and blackthorn for most of the year, their location can be easily determined in early spring by the foliage which appears a week or two before most other plants. Still it is quite a rarity and the fruit usually quite small – so growing your own is the best option for anything more than an occasional treat.

    2kg green gooseberries Florets from 10 elderflower sprays1.2kg sugar

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    Let The Lemon Juice And Yeast Nutrient Settle

    Once the bubbles settle, you want to transfer your wine to another fermenting bucket, leaving the sediment behind. Then, you can add the Campden tablet.

    All that is left to do is wait for your mixture to clear. This step is the longest of the bunch, taking up to four months. However, it will all be worth it when you can taste your summer alcohol beverage.

    Make sure you do not store your wine in a warm place. Continue letting it settle in a cool, dark area of your home until it is ready to drink. Once the liquid clears, dispense it into sterilised bottles for consumption.

    Typically, your wine will improve for up to 18 months after it achieves fermentation. Experts claim the best time to drink your wine is after six months of fermenting.

    For Elderflower Wine Recipe

    How to make Elderflower Champagne | Brewbitz Homebrew Shop
  • Take the flower heads home, give them a good shake to dislodge any insects and then pick the flowerlets off the stems into a measuring jug or pint pot until full, even when pressed.
  • Zest the lemons and put the zest into the fermenting bin or wine bucket along with the flowers.
  • Boil the water and pour over the flowers, cover and leave for 3 days, stirring daily.
  • Strain onto the sugar in a large pan, bring to the boil and simmer for 10 minutes.
  • Allow to cool to around 20°C then juice the lemons and add the juice to the pan, stir and then add the yeast and yeast nutrient
  • Strain into a demijohn, topping up with cooled boiled water as required. Fit the airlock and leave in a warm place until fermentation has finished
  • Rack, as necessary, and add 1 Campden tablet after the first racking to stop secondary fermentation.
  • Syphon into bottles
  • You should be drinking this elderflower wine when the flowers bloom next. If youve a plentiful supply of flowers you may well find yourself making more the next year along with some elderflower champagne!

    Dont over strip the tree, leave plenty of flowers to develop into berries both for your elderberry wines and for the birds who deserve a look in.

    Don’t forget to check these winemaking pages:

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    How To Make Elderflower Wine

    There is perhaps no alcoholic drink more sophisticated or classy than wine. It dates back centuries and is one of those drinks that sets a mood quite like no other. Whether celebrating a special occasion like an anniversary or adding to a collection, a bottle of wine can make moments more memorable.

    Not only is elderflower wine a quality liquid, but you can also use it while cooking many things like cakes, tarts, and jams. In this post, we will share our secret on how to make this unique cordial.

    Elderflower Wine Not Clearing

    How to make elderflower wine

  • Give each flower head a quick shake to knock off any remaining bugs, then trim the flowerlets off the stems with a pair of scissors into a sterilised brew bin or lidded food grade plastic tub. You should end up with about 1 pint of trimmed flowerlets for every gallon of wine. Dont be tempted to use more, or the aroma may become unpleasant. Thanks to reader Vambo for the comb suggestion!
  • Chop the sultanas up a bit with a sharp knife and add them to the brew bin or tub. If you find this too messy, give them a quick blip in batches in a food processor. Youre not aiming to pulp them, just break the skins.
  • Bring 2 gallons / 9 litres of water to the boil and add the sugar and citric acid. Stir until it has all dissolved, and pour it over the flowers and sultanas. Put the lid on and leave it overnight for the water to extract most of the sugar from the fruit.
  • Next day, add another 1 gallon / 4.5 litres of cold water plus the yeast compound powder and the tea. Give it a quick stir. Take care to read the instructions on the yeast, as they vary from type to type: most modern yeasts can be added dry but a few need to be made up as a starter bottle.
  • Once the bubbles have stopped and the wine begins to look clear at the top, rack it by syphoning or pouring it off the yeasty sediment at the bottom.
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    How To Make Elderflower Soda

    Have you heard of elderflower soda? This is a traditional elderflower delicacy that is so popular in Romania that it inspired Coca-Cola to release their own version, Fanta Shokata . It is also known as Socat or Suc de Soc.

    Heres the recipe to make your own, which is another from my book, Elderberries: The Beginners Guide to Foraging, Preserving and Using Elderberries for Health Remedies, Recipes, Drinks and More . Youll find my elderberry schnapps recipe here on the blog, too, plus other elderberry recipes.

    Note that the recipe calls for a packet of yeast but we find that we dont need very much yeast if were not allowing the elderflower soda to become wine . It tastes a little too yeasty for us with a whole packet of yeast for soda, so I just use a pinch unless Im letting it turn into sparkling wine. Try it both ways if you like and see what works best for you.


    • 5 big elder flowers
    • 2 1/2 cups sugar or honey
    • 1 or 2 large lemons, sliced
    • one packet yeast
    • 1 gallon of filtered water or spring water


    1. Wash the elder flowers and put them on the bottom of a gallon jar. Add sugar and lemon. Add water just to cover and leave to sit overnight.

    2. Fill jar the rest of the way with water and add yeast. Cover the jar with muslin or cheesecloth. Let sit for 2 or 3 days in a warm place, removing the lemons after the second day. Stir every morning and evening.

    You can look inside my elderberry book and check out a preview here .

    • Plus 50+ more

    Section : What Ingredients You Will Need To Make Elderflower Wine

    How To Make Elderberry Wine
    • 24-30 heads of elderflowers

    Some Tips on Alternative Ingredients

    You can use 0.8oz of dried elderflowers instead but the taste wont be as good and youll be missing out on the fun of picking your elderflowers yourself!

    If you cant find citric acid, you can substitute one teaspoon of citric acid with the juice of one lemon. There wont be any difference in the flavor, but gram for gram the citric acid will last a lot longer.

    And if you really cant find wine yeast, you can use dried active yeast instead , but wine-making enthusiasts argue that it will affect the final taste.

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    Dried Elderflower Liqueur Recipe

    Dried elderflower liqueur recipe. With very few other flavors present, the elderflower is not overpowered, rather its complimented well in a way that brings out its best. Strain and let the berries dry. 1/4 cup dried elderflowers 1 meyer lemon 1 1/2 teaspoons citric acid powder If you prefer a boozy version check out this elderflower and lemon cordial.

    You can learn how to dry your own elderflowers, if you happen to have. 250g of dried elderberries 100ml of red grape concentrate 1.25kgs of sugar 1 teaspoon of citric acid pectic enzyme/pectolase 4.5ltrs of water. And who wouldnt want to try their hand at making elderflower wine? Push the flowers into the emptied vodka bottle or a jar, tip in the sugar and leave for 1 hr. The water is brought to the boil and then the grape concentrate, dried elderberries and sugar is stirred in to dissolve the sugar. Stir a bit into sparkling water or mix into cocktails for a nice drink!

    Discover Our Refreshing Elderflower Wines

    Sourcing local, natural ingredients is at the heart of much of what we do here at Lyme Bay Winery, and nothing signals the approach of summer for us as much as elderflower picking from late May onwards. Come sunny afternoons, our pickers head out to collect the beautiful elderflowers from the hedgerows at a time their pollen is at its optimum, and they are at their most pungent.

    The flowers go straight to soak on a wine base for 4-6 weeks to allow the fragrant elderflower aromas to establish, making our light, crisp and beautifully refreshing elderflower wine with a floral bouquet. Our elderflower wine is excellent chilled as a popular picnic or lunchtime wine and holds a Gold Great Taste Award.

    But elderflower wine is not the only tipple we make from the beautiful blossoms of this hedgerow favourite. We have also mixed them with gooseberry to create our Gooseberry and Elderflower Wine. As a stunning alternative to white wine, Gooseberry and Elderflower wine served chilled is the perfect accompaniment to salads, fish dishes and even spicy food.

    And why not try elderflower wines bubbly version, our Elderflower Sparkling Fruit Wine, produced in the traditional method with secondary fermentation taking place in the bottle.

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    How To Make Elderberry Wine

    Elderberry wine, made correctly, is every bit as good as wine made from its cousin the grape. Aged, oaked and mellowed, wine from elderberries bears a close resemblance to some of the huskier, more brooding red grape wines Mourvedre and Petit Verdot spring to mind. Elderberry wine is a wonderful drink when the weather turns cold and you find yourself in front of a fire with friends and food.

    Even so, for years I have hesitated to write about elderberry wine on this site. Its not because what I do is some sort of secret, its because what I do involves a lot more time and technical tinkering than almost every other fruit wine recipe Ive ever read. I make wine pretty close to the way professional winemakers do I have to, in a state full of grape snobs. Its a method more science than art.

    Balance is what I seek. A fine wine has acidity, alcohol and tannin all in proper proportion. One the prime problems in fruit wines is lack of balance. Some fruits are too acidic. Some too sweet. A few are too tannic. Grapes are the fruit closest to achieving perfection all on their own, which is why they won in the great winemaking game of life.

    Oh, and for the record, I make elderberry wine only from the Western blue elderberry, Sambucus mexicana. You can also use the Eastern blue elderberry, S. nigra. Do not make wine from red elderberries.

    Elderflower Beer Mead Or Wine

    Making Elderflower Wine – The Taste of Summer (Part 1)

    What to put your flowers into? Anything, really. You can put them into sugar water if you wanted. Most people use sugar water with lemon juice and zest as a base. This will make elderflower wine. If you do this, I highly recommend that you use a more complex-tasting, less refined sugar. My preference is turbinado or demerara sugar, which you can get as Sugar in the Raw. It gives the wine a little color and a bit more flavor than white sugar.

    For more flavor, use honey. I recommend a light honey, as dark honeys will not show off the pretty golden color of the elderflowers. Remember that to make a mead, you need to dilute honey to at least 70 percent water to 30 percent honey or it will not ferment well. You can dilute it more if you want. This is a great route to go, one I do often.

    Finally, you can sweeten the liquid with malted grain. You can of course mash your own grains, usually barley or wheat, and make a traditional beer wort, but remember you want to showcase the elderflowers, so if you do this, Id recommend pilsner or pale malt with some wheat malt, too. When I do this, I use dried extract of these malts, which is basically a sweet malt powder you pour into boiling water. Easier and faster, and the result is less beery and more elderflower-y.

    For a 1 gallon batch, here are some ratios:

    • 3 pounds of honey, which is about 4 cups
    • 2 1/2 pounds of turbinado sugar, about 4 1/2 cups
    • 1 pound dried malt extract, a scant 1 1/2 cups

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